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134 người theo dõi

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Originated from national pride and inspiration on the trip of exploration, Bamboo Airways – a member of FLC Group – was officially established in 2017.

With the mission of connecting the tourist regions in the S-shaped country, raising Vietnam’s image and people on the international map, Bamboo Airways starts its journey to fly high with its spreaded wings based on the cooperation with the world’s leading brands in the aviation industry. “We have a clear strategy to build Bamboo Airways as a 5-star airline operating both domestic and international routes. Beside an outstanding business model, we also aspire to deliver new service standards to our passengers with comfort, relaxation and satisfaction on every trip”- Chairman Trinh Van Quyet of FLC Group.

For Bamboo Airways, the green color represents youth and vitality; the dark blue color symbolizes the connection with FLC Group; the light blue color is the symbol of pioneering spirit and outstanding commitment for hospitality.

With the above preparations, we wish to bring experiences beyond your expect and to become the first 5-star airline in Vietnam having first-class compartment towards to the leading position in Asian aviation in the upcoming journey.

Discovering Vietnam and the world at an affordable price and friendly service originating from absolute hospitality is what our passengers can expect from Bamboo Airways. And we believe that means “more than just a flight!”

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Địa chỉ công ty
265 Cau Giay, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay District, HN
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Ms. Hương Nguyễn

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