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25-99 nhân viên

Giới thiệu công ty

Cigro is a B2B Tech-focused company builder.

At Cigro, we believe in iterative innovation through clear strategy and superior execution. Under this philosophy, we operate three different businesses, each of which is nurtured into a profitable and growth-oriented company with a highly efficient resource allocation and operation compared to its competitors.

Cigro - Online Store Dashboard (B2B SaaS) : A multi-channel data integration platform for eCommerce companies that collects sales, ad spend, and user data to view operating revenue, gross sales, and ROAS without any additional setup. (https://www.cigro.io/)

Litmers - No-Code Outsourced Development Business : We provide no-code-based software outsourcing development services that reduce the cost and time of traditional development by less than half. It is recognized as a major Bubble Agency in Korea and East Asia. (https://www.litmers.com)

Endash - AI/SaaS-based data engineering automation business (B2B SaaS) : Provides services that enable data engineers and analysts to build and analyze data infrastructure. We offer more than 400 solutions, including Zendesk and HubSpot, as well as databases, spreadsheets, data pipelines, and dashboard building solutions. (https://endash.ai/)v

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Thông tin liên hệ

Địa chỉ công ty
Tầng 6 và 7, Tòa nhà Friendship, Số 31, Đường Lê Duẩn, Phường Bến Nghé, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
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Ms. Hương Nguyễn

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