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International Service Check

10-24 nhân viên

Giới thiệu công ty

Mystery Shopping offers feedback through your customer's experience and it's the only way to find out how good your service really is. Our Mystery Shopping services are tailored to all sectors and businesses, and we help you discover which marketing measures need to be taken to improve your service. What do customers say about you? Do your employees go above and beyond your customer's expectations? Do you offer the right products? How do you fare compared with competitors? This is just a taste of the information we uncover, but we offer much, much more. Our company has over a million evaluators, who assess their satisfaction as customers, the service they are given and other essential aspects of your business. Mystery Shopping reveals the truth in all its facets about your customer's experience-this is powerful information for your organization.

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Địa chỉ công ty
Switzerland Multisearch AG Aeschenvorstadt 71 4051 Basel, Aeschenvorstadt, Switzerland
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Ms. Hương Nguyễn
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Trung tâm hỗ trợ dịch vụ

Ms. Hương Nguyễn

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